Source code for berny.solvers

# Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
from __future__ import division

import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import tempfile

import numpy as np

from .coords import angstrom

__all__ = ['MopacSolver']

[docs]def MopacSolver(cmd='mopac', method='PM7', workdir=None): """ Crate a solver that wraps `MOPAC <>`_. Mopac needs to be installed on the system. :param str cmd: MOPAC executable :param str method: model to calculate energy """ kcal = 1 / 627.503 tmpdir = workdir or tempfile.mkdtemp() try: atoms, lattice = yield while True: mopac_input = '{} 1SCF GRADIENTS\n\n\n'.format(method) + '\n'.join( '{} {} 1 {} 1 {} 1'.format(el, *coord) for el, coord in atoms ) if lattice is not None: mopac_input += '\n' + '\n'.join( 'Tv {} 1 {} 1 {} 1'.format(*vec) for vec in lattice ) input_file = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'job.mop') with open(input_file, 'w') as f: f.write(mopac_input) subprocess.check_call([cmd, input_file]) with open(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'job.out')) as f: energy = float( next(l for l in f if 'FINAL HEAT OF FORMATION' in l).split()[5] ) next(l for l in f if 'FINAL POINT AND DERIVATIVES' in l) next(f) next(f) gradients = np.array( [ [float(next(f).split()[6]) for _ in range(3)] for _ in range(len(atoms) + (0 if lattice is None else 3)) ] ) atoms, lattice = yield energy * kcal, gradients * kcal / angstrom finally: if tmpdir != workdir: shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
def GenericSolver(f, *args, **kwargs): delta = kwargs.pop('delta', 1e-3) atoms, lattice = yield while True: energy = f(atoms, lattice, *args, **kwargs) coords = np.array([coord for _, coord in atoms]) gradients = np.zeros(coords.shape) for i_atom in range(coords.shape[0]): for i_xyz in range(3): ene = {} for step in [-2, -1, 1, 2]: coords_diff = coords.copy() coords_diff[i_atom, i_xyz] += step * delta atoms_diff = list(zip([sp for sp, _, in atoms], coords_diff)) ene[step] = f(atoms_diff, lattice, *args, **kwargs) gradients[i_atom, i_xyz] = _diff5(ene, delta) if lattice is not None: lattice_grads = np.zeros((3, 3)) for i_vec in range(3): for i_xyz in range(3): ene = {} for step in [-2, -1, 1, 2]: lattice_diff = lattice.copy() lattice_diff[i_vec, i_xyz] += step * delta ene[step] = f(atoms, lattice_diff, *args, **kwargs) lattice_grads[i_vec, i_xyz] = _diff5(ene, delta) gradients = np.vstack((gradients, lattice_grads)) atoms, lattice = yield energy, gradients / angstrom def _diff5(x, delta): return (1 / 12 * x[-2] - 2 / 3 * x[-1] + 2 / 3 * x[1] - 1 / 12 * x[2]) / delta