Source code for berny.geomlib

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import os
from io import StringIO
from itertools import chain, groupby, product, repeat

import numpy as np
from numpy import pi
from numpy.linalg import inv, norm

from .species_data import get_property

__version__ = '0.1.0'
__all__ = ['Geometry', 'loads', 'readfile']

[docs]class Geometry(object): """ Represents a single molecule or a crystal. :param list species: list of element symbols :param list coords: list of atomic coordinates in angstroms (as 3-tuples) :param list lattice: list of lattice vectors (:data:`None` for a moleucle) Iterating over a geometry yields 2-tuples of symbols and coordinates. :func:`len` returns the number of atoms in a geometry. The class supports :func:`format` with the same available formats as :meth:`dump`. """ def __init__(self, species, coords, lattice=None): self.species = species self.coords = np.array(coords) self.lattice = np.array(lattice) if lattice is not None else None
[docs] @classmethod def from_atoms(cls, atoms, lattice=None, unit=1.0): """Alternative contructor. :param list atoms: list of 2-tuples with an elemnt symbol and a coordinate :param float unit: value to multiple atomic coordiantes with :param list lattice: list of lattice vectors (:data:`None` for a moleucle) """ species = [sp for sp, _ in atoms] coords = [np.array(coord, dtype=float) * unit for _, coord in atoms] return cls(species, coords, lattice)
def __repr__(self): s = repr(self.formula) if self.lattice is not None: s += ' in a lattice' return '<{} {}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, s) def __iter__(self): for specie, coord in zip(self.species, self.coords): yield specie, coord def __len__(self): return len(self.species) @property def formula(self): """Chemical formula of the molecule or a unit cell.""" composition = sorted( (sp, len(list(g))) for sp, g in groupby(sorted(self.species)) ) return ''.join('{}{}'.format(sp, n if n > 1 else '') for sp, n in composition) def __format__(self, fmt): """Return the geometry represented as a string, delegates to :meth:`dump`.""" fp = StringIO() self.dump(fp, fmt) return fp.getvalue() dumps = __format__
[docs] def dump(self, f, fmt): """Save the geometry into a file. :param file f: file object :param str fmt: geometry format, one of ``""``, ``"xyz"``, ``"aims"``, ``"mopac"``. """ if fmt == '': f.write(repr(self)) elif fmt == 'xyz': f.write('{}\n'.format(len(self))) f.write('Formula: {}\n'.format(self.formula)) for specie, coord in self: f.write( '{:>2} {}\n'.format( specie, ' '.join('{:15.8}'.format(x) for x in coord) ) ) elif fmt == 'aims': f.write('# Formula: {}\n'.format(self.formula)) for specie, coord in self: f.write( 'atom {} {:>2}\n'.format( ' '.join('{:15.8}'.format(x) for x in coord), specie ) ) elif fmt == 'mopac': f.write('* Formula: {}\n'.format(self.formula)) for specie, coord in self: f.write( '{:>2} {}\n'.format( specie, ' '.join('{:15.8} 1'.format(x) for x in coord) ) ) else: raise ValueError('Unknown format: "{}"'.format(fmt))
[docs] def copy(self): """Make a copy of the geometry.""" return Geometry( list(self.species), self.coords.copy(), self.lattice.copy() if self.lattice is not None else None, )
[docs] def write(self, filename): """ Write the geometry into a file, delegates to :meth:`dump`. :param str filename: path that will be overwritten """ ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1] if ext == '.xyz': fmt = 'xyz' elif ext == '.aims' or os.path.basename(filename) == '': fmt = 'aims' elif ext == '.mopac': fmt = 'mopac' else: raise ValueError('Unknown file extension') with open(filename, 'w') as f: self.dump(f, fmt)
[docs] def super_circum(self, radius): """ Supercell dimensions such that the supercell circumsribes a sphere. :param float radius: circumscribed radius in angstroms Returns :data:`None` when geometry is not a crystal. """ if self.lattice is None: return rec_lattice = 2 * pi * inv(self.lattice.T) layer_sep = np.array( [ sum(vec * rvec / norm(rvec)) for vec, rvec in zip(self.lattice, rec_lattice) ] ) return np.array(np.ceil(radius / layer_sep + 0.5), dtype=int)
[docs] def supercell(self, ranges=((-1, 1), (-1, 1), (-1, 1)), cutoff=None): """ Create a crystal supercell. :param list ranges: list of 2-tuples specifying the range of multiples of the unit-cell vectors :param float cutoff: if given, the ranges are determined such that the supercell contains a sphere with the radius qual to the cutoff Returns a copy of itself when geometry is not a crystal. """ if self.lattice is None: return self.copy() if cutoff: ranges = [(-r, r) for r in self.super_circum(cutoff)] latt_vectors = np.array( [(0, 0, 0)] + [ sum(k * vec for k, vec in zip(shift, self.lattice)) for shift in product(*[range(a, b + 1) for a, b in ranges]) if shift != (0, 0, 0) ] ) species = list(chain.from_iterable(repeat(self.species, len(latt_vectors)))) coords = (self.coords[None, :, :] + latt_vectors[:, None, :]).reshape((-1, 3)) lattice = self.lattice * np.array([b - a for a, b in ranges])[:, None] return Geometry(species, coords, lattice)
[docs] def dist_diff(self, other=None): r""" Calculate distances and vectors between atoms. Args: other (:class:`~berny.Geometry`): calculate distances between two geometries if given or within a geometry if not Returns: :math:`R_{ij}:=|\mathbf R_i-\mathbf R_j|` and :math:`R_{ij\alpha}:=(\mathbf R_i)_\alpha-(\mathbf R_j)_\alpha`. """ if other is None: other = self diff = self.coords[:, None, :] - other.coords[None, :, :] dist = np.sqrt(np.sum(diff ** 2, 2)) dist[np.diag_indices(len(self))] = np.inf return dist, diff
[docs] def dist(self, other=None): """Alias for the first element of :meth:`dist_diff`.""" return self.dist_diff(other)[0]
[docs] def bondmatrix(self, scale=1.3): r""" Calculate the covalent connectedness matrix. :param float scale: threshold for accepting a distance as a covalent bond Returns: :math:`b_{ij}:=R_{ij}<\text{scale}\times (R_i^\text{cov}+R_j^\text{cov})`. """ dist = self.dist(self) radii = np.array([get_property(sp, 'covalent_radius') for sp in self.species]) return dist < scale * (radii[None, :] + radii[:, None])
[docs] def rho(self): r""" Calculate a measure of covalentness. Returns: :math:`\rho_{ij}:=\exp\big(-R_{ij}/(R_i^\text{cov}+R_j^\text{cov})\big)`. """ geom = self.supercell() dist = geom.dist(geom) radii = np.array([get_property(sp, 'covalent_radius') for sp in geom.species]) return np.exp(-dist / (radii[None, :] + radii[:, None]) + 1)
@property def masses(self): """Numpy array of atomic masses.""" return np.array([get_property(sp, 'mass') for sp in self.species]) @property def cms(self): r"""Calculate the center of mass, :math:`\mathbf R_\text{CMS}`.""" masses = self.masses return np.sum(masses[:, None] * self.coords, 0) / masses.sum() @property def inertia(self): r"""Calculate the moment of inertia. .. math:: I_{\alpha\beta}:= \sum_im_i\big(r_i^2\delta_{\alpha\beta}-(\mathbf r_i)_\alpha(\mathbf r_i)_\beta\big),\qquad \mathbf r_i=\mathbf R_i-\mathbf R_\text{CMS} """ coords_w = np.sqrt(self.masses)[:, None] * (self.coords - self.cms) A = np.array([np.diag(np.full(3, r)) for r in np.sum(coords_w ** 2, 1)]) B = coords_w[:, :, None] * coords_w[:, None, :] return np.sum(A - B, 0)
[docs]def load(fp, fmt): """ Read a geometry from a file object. :param file fp: file object :param str fmt: the format of the geometry file, can be one of ``"xyz"``, ``"aims"`` Returns :class:`~berny.Geometry`. """ if fmt == 'xyz': n = int(fp.readline()) fp.readline() species = [] coords = [] for _ in range(n): l = fp.readline().split() species.append(l[0]) coords.append([float(x) for x in l[1:4]]) return Geometry(species, coords) if fmt == 'aims': species = [] coords = [] lattice = [] while True: l = fp.readline() if l == '': break l = l.strip() if not l or l.startswith('#'): continue l = l.split() what = l[0] if what == 'atom': species.append(l[4]) coords.append([float(x) for x in l[1:4]]) elif what == 'lattice_vector': lattice.append([float(x) for x in l[1:4]]) if lattice: assert len(lattice) == 3 return Geometry(species, coords, lattice) else: return Geometry(species, coords)
[docs]def loads(s, fmt): """ Read a geometry from a string, delegates to :func:`load`. :param str s: string with geometry """ fp = StringIO(s) return load(fp, fmt)
[docs]def readfile(path, fmt=None): """ Read a geometry from a file path, delegates to :func:`load`. :param str path: path to a geometry file :param str fmt: if not given, the format is given from the file extension """ if not fmt: ext = os.path.splitext(path)[1] if ext == '.xyz': fmt = 'xyz' if ext == '.aims' or os.path.basename(path) == '': fmt = 'aims' with open(path) as f: return load(f, fmt)